Kingdown School Closed. Monday 9th December 2024

December 8th 2024

Dear parents / carers

We’ve made the difficult decision to close Kingdown School on Monday 9th December. There has been significant damage from the storm over the weekend and the site needs to be made secure before we can allow access to students and staff. We have a team of contractors to work on several buildings on Monday to make repairs.

Please ask your child(ren) to catch up on all homework on Arbor on Monday 9th December. Once they have finished their homework, we ask students to read subject material or a novel.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused, but we need to make sure all are safe on the school site.

Thank you in advance for your support on this matter. We anticipate that Kingdown School will be fully open on Tuesday 10th December unless you hear from us again.

Please spread this message amongst other parents / carers. It is replicated on the school website too.

Many thanks



Kingdown School