Ofsted Report, November 2022
Kingdown School was last inspected by Ofsted on 1st and 2nd November, 2022.
Highlights from the letter to Kingdown School
- This school continues to be good.
- Pupils at Kingdown School appreciate the high expectations the school has of them, and most rise to meet them.
- Pupils and students in the sixth form know that their teachers want the very best for them.
- The school motto ‘believe, aspire, achieve’ is evident in everything that the school does.
- Pupils behave well so that learning is not disrupted. This means that classrooms remain positive and purposeful. Most pupils say that staff use rewards and sanctions fairly.
- Pupils feel safe when they are at school. Pupils say that if bullying occurs, there is someone they can talk to about it. They have confidence that staff will resolve any concerns.
- Students in the sixth form support younger pupils as The Diana Award anti-bullying ambassadors. There are many opportunities for pupils to develop their character.
- There are many clubs on offer and opportunities to take on leadership roles. These include being house captains, house council leaders and sports leaders. Older students can become ‘Bold Voices’ ambassadors who lead on combating sexual harassment.
Next steps for the school:
Assessment is not always used well. In some subjects, teachers do not use assessment to find out why some pupils have an insecure understanding of curriculum content.
Staff need to make better use of assessment so that they check the impact of the curriculum and adapt it accordingly.