16-19 Programme of Study


Kingdown School is committed to providing a robust and comprehensive 16-19 study programme that prepares our students for success in Key Stage 5 and beyond. Our action plan for 2024 - 2026 is designed to align with our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), ensuring that every decision is made through the lens of our most vulnerable learners to foster an environment of care, excellence, and continuous improvement.

This policy outlines the framework for the 16 to 19 study programme. It is designed to ensure that all students aged 16 to 19 receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for further education, training, or employment.

2. Programme Aims The programme aims to provide students with: -

  • Core academic, technical, or vocational qualifications.
  • Meaningful work experience or work preparation training.
  • Development of English and maths skills (if GCSE grade 4/C or above has not been achieved).
  • Non-qualification activities to develop personal skills and prepare for adult life.

3. Programme Structure and Pathways Model Each student’s programme is tailored to their prior attainment and career goals, including: -

  • A substantial qualification or preparation for employment as the core aim.
  • Work experience related to the field of study or career aspirations (in Year 12).
  • Tutorial sessions for personal development and progression guidance.

Our Sixth Form offer is designed to enable all students to succeed. As such, we guide students carefully in the subjects they select to study based on their GCSE outcomes, their future ambitions and their personal preferences. This advice and guidance is provided by the Sixth Form team and the Head of Careers.

We offer a Pathways Model to guide students towards a study programme that we know they will succeed in. Please note, however, that the Pathways Model is only a guide for individual students: where a student wishes to study a bespoke combination of subjects or study programme, we always seek to accommodate them.

There are three Pathways available, each of which involves its own entry criteria:

  • Academic Pathway: This study programme is suited to students who have achieved five or more GCSEs at grades 4 or above, including Maths and English. Four of these grades should also be at grade 5 or higher. The focus of this study programme is on A-Levels. It is especially suitable for students who want to progress to study at university or for a degree apprenticeship.
  • Mixed Pathway: This study programme is suited to students who have achieved five or more GCSEs at grades 4 or above, including Maths and English. The focus of this pathway is on a combination of A-Level and vocational (BTEC / CTEC) qualifications. It is especially suitable for students who want to progress to study a vocational-based qualification at university or who want to undertake an apprenticeship. 
  • Vocational Pathway: This study programme is suited to students who have achieved well in vocational subjects at Key Stage 4 and who want to continue these studies further via BTEC or CTEC options.  It is especially suitable for students who want to progress to study a foundation degree at university, an apprenticeship, or to enter paid employment after Sixth Form.

4. Study Hours All of our study programmes are full-time programmes and meet the minimum standard of 540 planned hours per academic year. The table below outlines the qualification- and non-qualification hours that are typical of each student in the Sixth Form:

Year 12 (based on 39 school weeks)


Qualification Hours

Non-Qualification Hours

A-Level 1 (Core Aim)



A-Level 2



A-Level 3






Supervised Study



Work Experience Placement*



Extra-Curricular / Supra-Curricular Activities




Total Qualification Hours


Total Non-Qualification Hours


Total Planned Hours



Year 13 (based on 35 school weeks)


Qualification Hours

Non-Qualification Hours

A-Level 1 (Core Aim)



A-Level 2



A-Level 3






Supervised Study



Extra-Curricular / Supra-Curricular Activities




Total Qualification Hours


Total Non-Qualification Hours


Total Planned Hours



5. Subject-Based Entry Requirements As well as meeting the entry criteria for their selected Pathway, students must meet the entry requirements for their individual chosen subject. Additional requirements may apply for specific programmes or courses.

6. Assessment and Progression Students will be assessed according to the requirements of their core qualification. Progression to the next level of study or into employment will be supported by the school.

7. Attendance and Punctuality Regular attendance and punctuality are expected for all elements of the study programme. We will monitor attendance and take action where necessary.

8. Students will participate in Supervised Study We believe that, alongside their timetabled lessons, students should be given space, in a structured and supervised environment to complete homework and assignments in order for them to meet deadlines. We accept that many of our students have part-time employment outside of school. This Supervised Study approach allows them to keep on top of their school work and have more free time at home to take on a job if they want to.

9. Tutor Programme The tutor programme aims to provide students with the knowledge and guidance they need to be happy, healthy individuals and to have the confidence they need to effectively manage the challenges they will face in education, the workplace and their private lives. It is how we deliver statutory learning on PSHE and careers. This curriculum is delivered through a combination of timetabled tutor sessions, assemblies and guest speakers. It includes the following:

  • Guidance on personal health and wellbeing: This provision is shaped by the guidelines published by the PHSE Association for post-16 students (see www.pshe-association.org.uk). It expands on the content delivered in the PSHE curriculum at Key Stage 4 and includes issues such as sexual health, illegal drugs, responsible online behaviour and mental health awareness. It includes the statutory Relationships and Sex Education material specified by the DfE at Key Stage 5. 
  • Careers and post-18 options: This includes information on employment trends at regional and national levels, as well as advice and guidance on employability skills and professional behaviour. Students in Year 12 are also supported in identifying and organising a work experience placement that reflects their future aspirations. All students receive support in researching and applying for post-18 options, including higher education and apprenticeship options. 
  • Study skills: All students are helped to understand the process of learning and methods to improve their independent study skills.

10. Support and Guidance Students will have access to support and guidance throughout their programme, including: -

  • Careers advice and guidance.
  • Support for health and wellbeing.
  • Financial support information.
  • Supervised Study

11. Policy Review This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains up-to-date with the latest guidance and best practices.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Our KPIs are the cornerstone of our programme, guiding our strategies and decisions through the lens of our most vulnerable students. We believe that using these KPIs as our “True North” we can help every student to succeed: -

  • L3VA: 0
  • Average Grade: B-
  • ALPs: All subjects at ALPs 5 or better
  • Attendance: 95% minimum for each student
  • Number on each course: 10+
  • Retention 11 into 12: 45% - 55%
  • Retention 12 into 13: 95%
  • Student, Staff, Parent Voice: 85% would recommend the school
  • Quality Assurance Visits: Solidly good
  • Learning in Classroom: Disruption-free, full engagement, adherence to routines
  • Destinations 11 into 12: 0% NEET
  • Destinations Year 13 Tracked over 3 Years: 90% in first choice destination, 100% employment/education/training

Support Framework

Our support framework clearly defines areas of responsibility, ownership, support, and quality assurance to help our students thrive:

Area of Responsibility



Quality Assurance

Pastoral Care

Sixth Form Team & Tutors

Curriculum Leaders & Teachers

Senior Leadership Team (SLT)

Behaviour and Attitudes

Sixth Form Team & Tutors

Curriculum Leaders & Teachers



Sixth Form Team & Tutors

Curriculum Leaders & Teachers



Curriculum Leaders & Teachers




Curriculum Leaders & Teachers

Sixth Form Team & Tutors


Teaching & Learning Standards

Curriculum Leaders & Teachers

Sixth Form Team


Curriculum Model

Our curriculum model offers a diverse range of subjects, ensuring that every student can find a path that aligns with their interests and career goals. The model is designed to be flexible, accommodating joint classes and changes based on student feedback and enrolment numbers.

Entry Requirements

We maintain rigorous entry requirements to ensure that students are well-prepared for the challenges of our study programme. We do not want to set any student up to fail, and therefore really stick to our entry requirements to ensure our students can succeed.


Entry Requirements

Very important that we hold the line on entry requirements

Head of Sixth Form will make the decision on these with support from Deputy Head and Head

1: Vocational Courses

Grades 4 in English and Maths

3 other subjects at grade 4

2: A Levels

Grades 5 in English and Maths

Grade 5 in the subjects chosen

3: A Levels (high academic challenge)

Grades 5 or 6 in English and Maths

Grade 6 in the subjects chosen

4: Maths and Physics

Grade 5 or 6 in English

Grade 7 in Maths

Grade 7 in Physics

Vocational Offer

No entry requirements