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After School Clubs

Kingdown School strongly encourages participation in a variety of activities beyond the normal school day; engagement in these activities allow students to pursue interests in a particular subject area and develop skills beyond the classroom. There are over 90 extra-curricular activities offered throughout the year for every taste and age, including a wide variety of sports, dance, drama, choir, band, public speaking, lego club and many others. To help support engagement, late buses are arranged so that students are able to stay after school and access school transport.

For an overview of all non-sports related Afterschool Clubs, please see the document linked below. This list is updated regularly, usually every term, with new clubs and activities appearing throughout the year. 

Sports Clubs

With excellent facilities, including a swimming pool and an all-weather sports pitch, together with a team of committed and enthusiastic staff, all students can participate and enjoy PE and Sport.

There are many after school sports clubs that students can attend throughout the year. These clubs are incredibly well attended with over 500 students per week taking part in an activity. The school also organises competitive play against local schools.

We work closely with our feeder primary schools to enable and extend their PE and Sport provision so that students come to Kingdown School with the skills and motivation they need and hosts the West Wilts Schools Games Organiser.

The latest schedule for Extra Curricular clubs is available to download at Term-1-After-School-Clubs-2024.pdf, or is viewable below.

Term 1 After School Clubs 2024