
House System

Kingdown School operates a House System with vertical tutor groups. The vertical tutoring system places students from Year 7 to Year 11 in the same tutor group. In the Sixth Form, students receive dedicated Sixth Form Tutors alongside being part of their house. 

How does the house system work?

We have six houses at Kingdown School, each led by a Head of House:

Lord's House Mr Bedford bd@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk
Millennium House Mrs Twigger tw@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk 
Silverstone House  Mr Bindon bi@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk
Twickenham House Mrs Brock bk@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk
Wembley House Mr Scarfe sf@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk
Wimbledon House Mrs Burdett br@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk


Siblings are placed in the same House but siblings are not usually put in the same tutor group. Each tutor group has approximately 25 students.

Each tutor group meets for 20 minutes at 10.30am each day with their tutor, and with the rest of their House for an assembly each fortnight.

There is a structured tutoring programme in place covering current affairs, personal development, house assembly, reading, attendance, quiz on news items, leadership day and administrative tutoring tasks.

Contacting your child’s tutor

Your first point of contact will always be your child’s tutor, but please remember that in any large school it will not be possible to speak to the tutor immediately.

When you phone the school, a message will be left for the tutor, who will then contact you. Some problems are solved by a phone call, others might require a meeting. This will be up to the tutor to decide and organise.

If the problem relates to work in a particular subject, the tutor might suggest a discussion or meeting with the teacher concerned, or the Head of Department should this be necessary.

Who to contact

If you have any questions about the house system, please contact: Mr Hatcher, Assistant Headteacher: ht@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk